Friday 22 April 2016


While discussing with a good friend of mine Miss Ayomide Odekunle, 

she made me realize there was a need to sanitize the decision making power of the present day youth.

According to the Longman Dictionary, “ a decision is a choice or judgement that you make after a period of discussion or thought.

As a growing child in our early days, we all found it hard to make decisions so major decisions pertaining to our lives were made for us by our parents but we still found ourselves having to make minor decisions like who to be friends with, what chair to sit on at school, e.t.c. the decisions we made at those critical moments, even though they were minor decisions still contributed in the way we were perceived by others.

In order to feel among as a growing teenager, we make some decisions that seem okay with the larger populace. More often than not, these decisions made from such standpoint are usually bad decisions. Also, because of peer pressure or a certain opposite sex, we adjust our pure morals to align with what would make our peers or the certain opposite sex we are trying to attract see us as being “ a Jasi person”. People would still love you for who you are without you having to betray your values by saying yes to every rubbish that is thrown at you.

A huge number of us were lucky to have recovered from bad decisions unscathed but there are some not-so-lucky few whose bad decisions have left them scarred.

As an adult, your perception of things is different. The definition of adulthood is  RESPONSIBILITY. According to the dictionary, “responsibility is a duty to be in charge of someone or something so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens”. This definition envelopes all that’s involved in adulthood.

As an adult, you cannot still be a slave to indecision, peer pressure or ‘going with the majority’ syndrome.

As an adult, your ability to stand your ground even if you stand alone makes you stand out.

As an adult, passing blames for your actions is beneath you.

As an adult you should know that a person who agrees to everything said in order to be seen as being friendly with everyone is an unprincipled fellow. Unprincipled fellows can be compared to those who decide to write their names on desert sand thinking it would last a lifetime but alas, the minute a desert storm hits, all the names are gone with the wind.
Therefore, stand your ground, say yes to whatever aligns with your principles and no for what doesn’t and if you find yourself between the devil and the deep blue sea, WISELY sit on the fence. Thank you.

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